Crime Scene Investigation Lab | Crime Scene Investigation Laboratory | Crime Scene Forensic Lab

Crime Scene Investigation Lab The C rime Scene Investigation Lab is a place where forensic scientists collect, identify, and analyze evidence from crime scenes. The lab is typically located within the police station or in a nearby facility. It is not uncommon for these labs to be used by other law enforcement agencies in their area as well. In addition to laboratory work, forensic scientists may testify in court about their findings. A crime scene investigation lab can be located anywhere that has the necessary equipment and space for forensic investigations, but it is usually found at a police station or nearby facility. Crime Scene Investigation Lab is an important part of a police station. It is where detectives and forensic scientists work to solve crimes by looking at the physical evidence from a crime scene. The lab can be used in different ways, depending on the crime. For example, if there was a robbery, the lab would be used to investigate what was taken and how it was taken....