Call Detail Record Analysis | Call Detail Record Investigation Laboratory
Call Detail Record Analysis is the process of analyzing call detail records. Connectel has set up a Call Detail Record Investigation Laboratory to help investigate and analyze call detail records.
The laboratory is equipped with a variety of tools that are used to analyze data such as voice, data, and video signals. The lab also houses experts in fields such as mathematics, statistics, computer science, and engineering.
Connectel is a call detail record (CDR) investigation laboratory. CDR analysis is a method of examining and interpreting the records retrieved from an electronic service provider. Connectel can provide services such as phone number validation, phone number identification, and location identification.
One of the most important features of CDR analysis is location identification. Connectel uses geolocation to determine the location of a cellular device or landline number at a specific time. This information can be used by law enforcement to track down criminals and by businesses in marketing research.
Call Detail Record Analysis is a laboratory that handles all types of call detail records. They offer a range of services from call detail record analysis to call detail record investigation.
The laboratory has been in operation for over 10 years and they have experience in handling different kinds of investigations. The lab has the expertise in handling cases such as fraud, abuse, harassment and stalking. Connectel is the only lab that can provide you with an accurate analysis of your phone records and help you get to the root of your problem.
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