Crime Scene Investigation Lab | Crime Scene Investigation Laboratory
A crime scene investigation laboratory is a facility where forensic scientists examine physical evidence in criminal cases. The lab usually consists of a series of interconnected rooms, each one containing a different set of equipment for analyzing evidence.
The laboratory has to have the capability to analyze and identify fingerprints, blood, hair, fibers, paint chips, and other microscopic particles that are found at crime scenes. It also must be able to process biological samples such as body fluids or tissue.
Crime Scene Investigation is a process that starts with the discovery of a crime and ends with the conviction of a criminal. The Crime Scene Investigator's Crime Scene Forensic Lab's job is to locate, document, collect and preserve evidence from the scene of a crime.
The CSI lab does not do any actual testing on the evidence collected from the crime scene. Instead, they analyze and interpret data collected by other laboratories. They use scientific methods to identify fingerprints, blood samples, and hair fibers from suspects and victims. The lab also analyzes DNA samples collected at crime scenes in order to identify suspects as well as victims.
A typical day at a crime scene investigation lab can vary depending on what is happening in their respective city that day or week but there are some common tasks that they will undertake every day such as analyzing fingerprints found on
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