Physical Forensics Lab | Physical Evidence In Forensic Science

A forensic science lab is a scientific laboratory that conducts forensic analysis on physical evidence In Forensic Science for law enforcement, government agencies, and other criminal investigative organizations.

The main goal of a Physical forensic science lab is to provide expert testimony and laboratory analyses in criminal cases.

Physical evidence is any object that can be collected at the crime scene and analyzed by the forensics lab.

Physical Forensics Lab

Physical evidence can be hairs, fibers, soil samples, glass fragments, or paint chips.

These are just some examples of what can constitute physical evidence in a crime scene investigation.

Forensic labs analyze these items to identify potential suspects or victims as well as to determine how the crime was committed.

Physical forensics labs are used to collect and analyze all kinds of physical evidence found at crime scenes such as hair samples, fingerprints, tire tracks, etc

Forensic science is an important part of criminal investigations. It deals with the application of physical evidence in legal investigations. The physical evidence is collected from crime scenes and then used to solve crimes.

The Connectel Physical Forensics Lab offers a wide range of forensic services and has been providing quality services for over 30 years. They use cutting-edge technology in their lab to provide the best service possible to their clients. They offer services like DNA and blood analysis, drug analysis, fire debris analysis, hair and fiber examination, latent print examination, and other types of forensic examinations that are required by law enforcement agencies as well as private individuals who need help solving a crime or proving a point in court.


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